Spotify Playlist
newly untitled by Tyauna Bruce
Published July 2022
Listen Time: 6 Hours 27 Minutes
Ever read a book with a soundtrack?
Well, the music lover in me wouldn't let my lil blue book baby live without music to guide y'all through her. Eighty-three poems; 83 corresponding tracks. Listen to the songs in order as you read!
Tyauna talks to DJ Jimmy Phingaz about her poetry collection, designing it for accessibility, and growth after publication. She also chimes in on the impact of culture on Hip Hop music (and vice versa) and the changing landscape thereof.
"You can tell when people don't have a soul. [...] The artist is going to be the bridge between the art and the angst..."

The Universal Language Radio Show with Special Guest Author Tyauna
Aired Sunday June 21, 2020
Listen Time: 2 hr 19 min (good music included)

Beautiful Little Moments Podcast
Author's Corner Tyauna Bruce
Aired March 2020
Listen Time: 36 min 2 sec
Tyauna talks to Tia Mason about teaching, writing, and authorpreneurship. She dives into writing and its value in the world and the process of conceptualizing and creating her first book, newly untitled.
"If poetry is what's in you, then that's what you do. Period."
In this episode of the “I Am…” series, da Vinci Parks sits down with entrepreneur/author/poet/sneakerhead Tyauna Bruce to discuss her first book, newly untitled, and the life lived between the pages.
Over the course of the interview, da Vinci Parks and Tyauna discuss the intersections between hip hop, faith, sneaker culture, trauma, language, and identity for the first-time author.

Flash/Black Radio "I AM" series
featuring Tyauna Bruce
Aired August 11, 2021
Listen Time: 1 hr 39 min